Unit 14/38 Eastern Service Rd, Stapylton, Qld, 4207  |  Phone:  +61 7 3801 8805  |  Mobile:  +61 487 100 005


Unit 14/38 Eastern Service Rd, Stapylton, Qld, 4207

Phone:  +61 7 3801 8805

Mobile:  +61 487 100 005

Grouts & Accessories - Amark Group

Once the Tiling Adhesive dries and the tiles are firmly in place, you can finish up the tiling job by grouting. You'll need a few grouting tools to make the job easier. These tools are specially designed to roll the grout into the tile gaps and get a smooth finish.

The primary tool used is the grout float, grout boat, squeegee. This tool features a large, flat-bottom surface, which is what you use to spread the grout. That part of the float is made of rubber so the grout wipes off easily without damage.

The float also has a handle, which can be in many different styles. Pick up the grout floats to test out the comfort of the handle before making your purchase.

If you're using epoxy grout, which is an especially sticky type of grout, get a float designed for that type with bevelled edges to make the job easier. 

Old Stonemasons ramblings: Many years ago the Japanese grout boat was introduced to Australia. The softer rubber on these prevents scratching and cuts down on the grout residue on the tile or stone surface. Still available today, a fantastic tool for white wall grout. When grouting, NEVER DIP the grout boat into the grout mixture to get a small amount on the tool, use a gauging trowel instead.

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