Unit 14/38 Eastern Service Rd, Stapylton, Qld, 4207  |  Phone:  +61 7 3801 8805  |  Mobile:  +61 487 100 005


Unit 14/38 Eastern Service Rd, Stapylton, Qld, 4207

Phone:  +61 7 3801 8805

Mobile:  +61 487 100 005

Floor Wastes

Shower Drains are sometimes described as the following:- Shower Grates, Custom Drains, Tile Inserts, Tile Wastes, Shower Wastes, Floor Wastes, Floor Drains, Bathroom Drains. Lauxes Drains and Strip drains are under a different heading.

  • Floor wastes are not required to be installed in Class 1 and 10 buildings. 
  • Floor wastes are only required in Class 2 or 3 buildings or Class 4 parts, where the floor of a bathroom or laundry is located at any level above another sole-occupancy unit or public space. Sep 6, 2004

One of the more contentious issues in relation to bathroom construction is the provision of floor wastes and when they are required. There is much evidence out there in relation to this, but what are the facts?

There are two primary documents in relation to wet areas construction:

  • Building Code of Australia (BCA)
  • AS 3740 – 2010 Waterproofing in domestic wet areas.

Both contain information on materials and methods required in relation to waterproofing bathrooms and wet areas such as WCs and laundries.

There are several things to consider in determining if a floor waste needs to be installed. 

Old Stonemason's ramblings: Use line fall in domestic wet areas( when the leading edge of the bubble touches the line in a 4'Foot level ) Mosaics WERE and STILL ARE the best option for the shower floor. Why do you ask?  Mosaic tiles on a mud floor will easily give you line fall to the waste. Slip control is important for the elderly, this is due to the number of grout lines under wet feet, whereas larger format tiles have no grout lines only one very slippery surface under wet feet.


Price$ 2.50
GST incl$ 0.23
Sizes Available

Waste Plug

A Waste Plug that will block the floor waste, while the ...

Price$ 5.60
GST incl$ 0.51
Sizes Available