Unit 14/38 Eastern Service Rd, Stapylton, Qld, 4207  |  Phone:  +61 7 3801 8805  |  Mobile:  +61 487 100 005


Unit 14/38 Eastern Service Rd, Stapylton, Qld, 4207

Phone:  +61 7 3801 8805

Mobile:  +61 487 100 005

Rubi Scoring Wheels - TX/TZ

RUBI have the most complete selection of interchangeable scoring wheels on the market for TX/TX-N and the TZ Models.
With shipment Delivery fee - NB: We may contact you should we need to charge an alternative delivery fee. for $ 18.15
Price$ 41.85
GST incl$ 3.80
Sizes Available

Each diameter has its own grinding type, thereby adapted to each material to achieve the best quality cut and offering the fixer the best possible performance.  All scoring wheels in the range are made of high-quality sintered tungsten carbide, These scoring wheels include a titanium nitrite coating that extends the life of the scoring wheel. Thereby providing a more durable option, designed for the most demanding jobs.