Unit 14/38 Eastern Service Rd, Stapylton, Qld, 4207  |  Phone:  +61 7 3801 8805  |  Mobile:  +61 487 100 005


Unit 14/38 Eastern Service Rd, Stapylton, Qld, 4207

Phone:  +61 7 3801 8805

Mobile:  +61 487 100 005

Tile Cutters, Adhesives, Grouts, Diamond Tools, Sponges and Trowels. 

A One Stop Shop for all things tiling! 

Levelling and Spacing:  Levelling systems from all the big brands, plus a large range of spacers and wedges.

Tiling Accessories:  A large range of products from line markers to polishing pads.

Tile Cutters and Parts:  We are major suppliers of Sigma Tile Cutters and parts, plus we have access to Rubi and Montolit and more.

Wash Up Systems:  Whatever your cleanup style, we have a range of equipment to suit all needs.

T&TS is a concept initiated by David Armour in May 2004.  Born out of frustration, and the lack of knowledge and essential products offered to the Stonemason and Ceramic Tilers of that era, Dave, a Stonemason and Tiler himself, along with his family, have insured T&TS is on the cutting edge of the industry.